playgroup news...
January Newsletter
2012-01-07 02:34:50
Welcome back we hope you all had an enjoyable holiday and are ready for the new term.
The staff would like to say a big thank you for all the very many Christmas gifts they received.
Just a reminder that all fees must be paid on the first day of the week that your child attends, and all sessions that you have agreed on your contract must be paid for whether your child is in attendance or not.
It is important that we are kept up to date with your contact information, so please remember to let us know of any changes to phone numbers etc.
Please could you label all your child's coats, hats, gloves and scarves with their names as occasionally they are unable to recognise their clothing, and it can cause some disruption at home time! Thank you.
We are desperately short of tricycles, scooters and sit 'n ride toys for the outdoor area, so if you or anyone you know has any that their child has outgrown, playgroup would be very grateful for them.
Our topic this term is food, and the children will be having lots of opportunities ti try new foods and drinks, if there is something that you know your child really dislikes or cannot tolerate or is allergic to, please can you inform staff.
Thanks, Julie