Play helps young children to learn and develop through doing and talking, which research has shown to be the means by which young children think. Llanddulas Playgroup uses the early learning goals and their stages of development to plan and provide a range of play activities which help children to make progress in each of the areas of learning and development.
In some of these activities children decide how they will use the activity and, in others, an adult takes the lead in helping the children to take part in the activity. In all activities information from the early learning goals and areas of development has been used to decide what equipment to provide and how to provide it.
Our aim is to provide activities that will challenge children to achieve the level the assembly government sets for children before they start infant schools that will be appropriate for children's ages and stages, and make the learning experience an enjoyable one for the children.
statement of intent...
For children between the ages of 3 and 5 years, the pre-school provides a curriculum for the foundation stage of education. This curriculum is set out in a document, published by the Welsh Assembly Government.
- We will plan activities around the curriculum so that all areas of the curriculum are covered in the plan.
- We will prepare plans each week, with individual learning journeys which are completed on a rota basis during the term.
- We will plan each week's activities so that the activities are changed part way through the week, or alternative activities are available, so that a child is not asked to repeat an activity too many times in a week.
- We will keep a record of each child's progress, parents will be allowed to see the record and discuss it with their key worker.
- We will measure each child's progress by reference to the Stages of development, and arrange activities (possibly on an individual basis as opposed to group work) that will help each child to reach the stages of development.
- We will keep parents informed of the child's individual learning journeys by asking about the child's current interests.
- We will ask for parental involvement to support some of the activities by helping in session, bringing in materials and other items connected with the activities planned or helping with walks/trips.
- We will discuss the curriculum with parents when requested.
the curriculum provided by llanddulas playgroup...
Children start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The care and education offered by Llanddulas Playgroup helps children to continue to do this by providing all of the children with interesting activities that are right for their age and stage of development.
For children between the ages of 3 and 5 years, the Playgroup provides a curriculum for the foundation stage of education. This curriculum is set out in a document, published by the Welsh assembly government and called Early Years Foundation Stage. Llanddulas Playgroup follows this guidance.
The guidance divides children's learning and development into seven areas:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication, language and literacy development
- Problem solving reasoning and numeracy
- Knowledge and understanding of the world
- Physical development
- Creative development
- Welsh language and culture
For each area, the guidance sets out early learning goals. These goals state what it is expected that children will know and be able to do by the end of the reception year of their education.
For each early learning goal, the guidance sets out development matters, which describe the stages through which children are likely to pass as they move to achievement of the goal. Llanddulas Playgroup uses the early learning goals and their areas of development to help us to trace each child's progress and to enable us to provide the right activities to help all children move towards achievement of the early learning goals.
personal, social and emotional development...
This area of children's development covers:
- Having a positive approach to learning and finding out about the world around them
- Having confidence in themselves and their ability to do things, and valuing their own achievements
- Being able to get on, work and make friendships with other people, both children and adults
- Becoming aware of, and being able to keep to, the rules which we all need to help us to look after ourselves, other people and our environment
- Being able to dress and undress themselves, and look after their personal hygiene needs
- Being able to expect to have their ways of doing things respected and to respect other people's ways of doing things
communication, language and literacy...
This area of children's development covers:
- Being able to use conversation with one other person, in small groups and in large groups to talk with and listen to others
- Adding to their vocabulary by learning the meaning of, and being able to use, new words
- Being able to use words to describe their experiences
- Getting to know the sounds and letters which make up the words we use
- Listening to, and talking about, stories
- Knowing how to handle books and that they can be a source of stories and information
- Knowing the purposes for which we use writing
- Making their own attempts at writing
problem solving, reasoning and numeracy...
This area of children's development covers:
- Building up ideas about how many, how much, how far and how big
- Building up ideas about patterns, the shape of objects and parts of objects, and the amount of space taken up by objects
- Starting to understand that numbers help us to answer questions about how many, how much, how far and how big
- Building up ideas about how to use counting to find out how many
- Being introduced to finding the result of adding more or taking away from the amount we already have
knowledge and understanding of the world...
This area of children's development covers:
- Finding out about the natural world and how it works
- Finding out about the made world and how it works
- Learning how to choose, and use, the right tool for a task
- Learning about computers, how to use them and what they can help us to do
- Starting to put together ideas about past and present and the links between them
- Beginning to learn about their locality and its special features
- Learning about their own and other cultures
creative development...
This area of children's development covers:
- Using paint, materials, music, dance, words, stories and role-play to express their ideas and feelings
- Becoming interested in the way that paint, materials, music, dance, words, stories and role-play can be used to express ideas and feelings
physical development...
This area of children's development covers:
- Gaining control over the large movements which we can make with our arms, legs and bodies, so that they can run, jump, hop, skip, roll, climb, balance and lift
- Gaining control over the small movements we can make with our arms, wrists and hands, so that they can pick up and use objects, tools and materials
- Learning about the importance of, and how to look after, their bodies
welsh language and culture...
This area of children's development covers:
- To be aware of the culture and heritage of Wales
- Use simple welsh phrases and greetings
- Count to 10 in Welsh
- Know primary colours in Welsh
- Be able to recite simple nursery rhymes in Welsh