Inclusion Policy

Our Inclusion policy operates in conjunction with our Equal Opportunities Policy.

Llanddulas Playgroup is a friendly welcoming playgroup that receives children aged 2 years 3 months - 5 years, We believe all children are different, we strive to provide equal opportunities and a warm welcome for all, recognising that certain groups and individuals in our society are discriminated against.

No two children have exactly the same needs, all children irrespective of additional learning need, disability, mental health, medical need, race, culture, class, creed, sexual orientation, gender, or social status have the right to express their needs and have them met.

Admissions arrangements

It is our intention to make our pre-school generally accessible to all children from all sections of the community.

Our waiting list is arranged by date of enrolment and we welcome children and both parents/carers and relations and people from all cultural, ethnic, religious, social groups with or without disabilities or additional learning need.

Staffing arrangements

We have a high adult/child ratio of 1 adult to 6 children this is essential to provide good quality pre-school care. We work towards equal opportunities for all seeking to employ the most suitable person for the job with or without disabilities from all religious, social, ethic, and cultural groups.

Our additional learning needs and, equal opportunities co-ordinator (Inclusion Co-ordinator)

Is Julie Heap she will also be the designated person for looked after children (those in foster care)

Aims of inclusion policy

We aim to include all children, parents, students, staff, those with or with out additional learning needs, disability, ethnic groups, travellers, those with English as an additional language, children in care, those with specific medical needs, mental health difficulties, and from all social backgrounds.

We aim to:

  1. Work in partnership with all involved in the child's upbringing.
  2. Recognise importance of parent/carers and families in child's life.
  3. Actively try to seek views of children/families and value their contribution.
  4. Promote access for all children to the same range of services, facilities and resources.
  5. Safeguard the welfare of all children.
  6. Provide a range of stimulating activities which are both age and ability appropriate and with regard to the foundation stage curriculum.
  7. Increase awareness of additional learning needs, minority groups and groups that can be discriminated against.
  8. Encourage adults/children to have a positive self image.
  9. Be a friendly caring setting.
  10. To challenge unacceptable language, actions, beliefs, which may prejudicial to others. To see how we do this please refer to our race equality policy section, support for children and families

We believe it is vital to meet the needs of children in our setting to ensure inclusion and equal opportunity and raise quality and standards.

The rights of the child must be recognised and the parents/carers fully involved in their child's early education.

Supporting Inclusion


We have access to the playroom via a concrete pathway.


The first step in creating a rich, nurturing anti-bias environment for young children is to provide accurate, diverse information about all kinds of people through books, songs, posters, food, dress-up clothes, speakers and guests, games, and, most importantly, through open, honest discussions about the human experience that children are curious about and will bring up if allowed, we aim to provide such resources that provide a balanced view of the world avoiding stereotyping and derogatory pictures or messages about any group of people.

Staff training

Where possible staff attend training organised by Conwy L.E.A and early years childcare partnership and Wales Pre-school Playgroups Association.

Our group has regard to:

  • Race relations act 1976.
  • Race relations amendment act 2000.
  • Sex discrimination act 1986
  • Children act 1989.
  • ALN code 2021
  • Disability discrimination act 1995.

How do we plan for individual children?

All activities are available for all children, children enter activities at their level of development, if an activity is difficult for a child it is made in to smaller steps so the child can take part or the activity is extended for the more able child.

One example is using scissors, a child may be ready to cut out pictures, cut along a line another child may be ready to snip, and not yet able to cut out, all children are different, but both children are achievers at their level

Identifying individual needs

We have a system of observation and record keeping, which operates in conjunction with parents/carers which enables us to monitor children's needs on an individual basis. Our key worker system ensures each adult is responsible for a small group of children.

Identification, assessment and review procedures for additional learning needs

Early Years Action

Child's progress is noted through observations, if a child is not progressing as expected and needs further support; help from the ALNCO is requested.

The ALNCO then collects all information from both parent/carer, staff, and any outside agencies, e.g. health visitor. Parents will be informed of Parent partnership services and kept fully informed of their child's needs.

The ALNCO. staff, parent/carers will decide on the action to help the child in light of the observations, assessments an individual education plan (I.E.P) or achievement report with targets will then be devised this contains only the learning opportunities that are offered that are additional to those of other children. This will contain short term targets to help the child.

The I.E.P will be reviewed 3 times per year and the achievement report and targets each half term; parents/carers will be fully consulted.

Early years action plus

If a child is not progressing as expected after Early years action, external support will be sought from outside agencies e.g. portage workers, educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, behaviour support team, they will provide specialist advice for the child's I.E.P.

Statutory Assessment

If the help given is not sufficiently effective to enable a child to progress satisfactorily it will be necessary for the playgroup, parents/carers and external agencies involved to consider whether a multi-disciplinary assessment may be appropriate, information on this process is available from our ALNCO (Inclusion co-ordinator)

Evaluating our teaching/learning.

We have regular staff meetings to discuss needs of children. Each activity plan is evaluated after the session to see if the learning aims are met. Our records system for each child highlights areas of learning that require further planning/teaching to ensure children's developmental needs are met for each area of learning.

Our links with outside agencies

We aim to exchange information and link effectively with outside agencies to provide support for individual children. (with parental consent) such agencies are joint agency team, portage workers, speech therapist, behaviour support team and other specialists, the early years development care partnership, and voluntary organisations.

Transition arrangements with schools/groups

We complete a transition form and pass on the child's records to the receiving setting if the setting does not require the records these go to the parent, a senior member of staff will visit the receiving setting to pass the information on and discuss any needs of the child with the teacher/play leader, all this is done with the parents consent.

If the child is moving out of the area the parent is given the information to pass on.

Working with parent/carers

Parents are the first educators of children, we strive to encourage parents to play an active part in our group, we involve parents in shared record keeping and strive to keep parents informed about their child's progress, we welcome contributions from all parent/carers and value their views and skills.

Consulting with children

Children's views and wishes are taken into account in our group, staff respect children are individual and have different needs, staff are always ready to listen to children and their views are respected. During everyday play children are encouraged to respect and value each others needs and wishes.

Complaints regarding inclusion/special educational needs

If you have a complaint about our provision please contact the chairperson of the group.

Review of this policy

We have a system of reviewing policies throughout the year at committee meetings.

This policy was reviewed by J Heap Jan 2020
Next review due Jan 2021

This policy was amended by J Heap Aug 2021
Next review due Aug 2022