Sick Child Policy
In the interest of all who attend the playgroup, children who are unwell should be kept at home. This includes symptoms such as stomach ache, head ache or being generally out of sorts, young children's health can deteriorate rapidly so a child who appears only mildly unwell but wants to come to playgroup must remain at home to reduce the risk of infection to other children and adults. We reserve the right to refuse admittance to any child we feel is not well enough to attend the playgroup or may pose a risk of infection to others.
Parents should notify the playgroup if their child has an infectious illness such as chicken pox, measles etc.
Exclusion periods for these illnesses will be in accordance with local authority guidelines. Children should also be excluded for certain skin infections and we are required by law to report notifiable diseases to the relevant authorities. Details of exclusion periods are displayed on the notice board.
Children who have diarrhoea or have been vomiting should not return to playgroup until 48 hours after the last attack.
Whilst their child is attending the playgroup, parents must ensure that they, or another carer, can be contacted in case of emergency. Parents must notify the playgroup of any change in the child's registration details relating to contact numbers or medical history.
If a child becomes ill during the session we will follow these procedures:
- Any member of staff who suspects a child is unwell or contagious will report this to a senior member of staff.
- Where possible, the child's key worker will take the child to a quiet area away from the main group and ensure the child is made comfortable. If the key worker is not at the playgroup another member of staff will be appointed to care for the child.
- The child's medical records must be checked, and where appropriate acted upon.
- The playgroup leader or deputy leader will attempt to contact the child's parent/care on the home. Mobile or work numbers, leaving a reassuring message on any answer phone. The playgroup phone number should also be given, if a parent cannot be reached, the child's emergency contacts will be called. Another message should be left on parents answer phone to advise them of the action we have taken.
- In the event that neither a parent nor emergency contact can be reached, the child will be cared for until the end of the session.
- The child will be regularly checked for any deterioration in their condition.
- If we become seriously concerned about the child medical advice will be sought and if necessary an ambulance will be called to take the child to hospital, accompanied by a senior member of staff.
- A copy of the child's records must be taken to the hospital to enable staff to deal with any recorded conditions and to enable playgroup staff to keep in contact with the child's parents.
- A record will be kept of the child's symptoms and our actions, including regular checks on the child and each time the action was taken.
- Reference should also be made to our Health and safety policy.