Uncollected Child Policy
To ensure the safety of all children in the group and to ensure the group meets it's registration criteria with the CSSIW we will work to the policy as set out below for any child not collected by the close of the group session.
No child will be left unattended if their parent has not arrived to collect them by the end of the session. Children will not be left unattended if their parent has not arrived to collect them by the end of the session. Children will not be released into the care of any person without the written permission of the parent. However, in an emergency situation, a telephone call from the parent stating that another adult will collect the child will be accepted provided that an accurate description of the adult is given and that the adult can give proof of their identity.
If a child is not collected at the end of the group's session then the emergency number for the parents will be called and they will be asked to collect the child. Should there be no response from all contact, and the child has not been collected within half an hour then Conwy county Borough Council duty social worker will be contacted.
A record will be kept of all children who are not collected on time. This will give the date and time of collection and also the name of any non-authorised person collecting the child.
Where this happens om three occassions or more in one term there will be discussions with the parents to emphasise the importance of collecting their child on time and by the authorised adult/s.