Additional Learning Needs
A child is considered to have an additional learning need (ALN) if they have significant learning difficulties in comparison to their peers. This means they need extra special attention, or if a child has a disability that hinders or prevents the child from using educational facilities generally provided for the same age range.
Our policy in relation to children who experience difficulties in learning or in adapting to the physical, social or behavioural demands of the nursery environment is described below.
Llanddulas Playgroup recognises the right of each individual child, including those with special needs, to an appropriate quality under 5s experience, which combines care and learning through play and education. The nursery is sensitive to the needs and feelings of children with ALN and their families and will ensure individual needs are recognised and addressed. Parents/carers will be involved at every stage and in any plans that are made to meet a child's individual special needs.
The staff will continuously monitor and record each child's progress onto their individual progress report. Equality of opportunity for all children is essential and it is important that children with special needs have the opportunity of learning alongside their peers. For this reason, the additional learning needs of children will normally be met in the mainstream setting.
If your child has additional needs of any kind, we will discuss:
- How the child and parent can be helped.
- How playgroup staff can be supported.
- What advice and practical help we can get from outside agencies.
- What adaptations need to be made.
- How we can support and help the parent.
- What behavioural or educational plan needs to be devised, with outside agency help, tailored to each individual child.
The nursery has an Early Years Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator who is available for consultation and advice.
ALNCO - Julie Heap
Julie is responsible for any child who has a learning need or a specific disability and is responsible for ensuring that the environment is suitably adapted to cater for the needs of these children.
Julie will liaise with other professionals, e.g. physiotherapists or speech and language therapist who may have dealings with the child. She has the responsibility to work with parents and the child to create an individual plan for the child to support them in the playgroup.
If we feel that any child or member of staff is a victim of any inappropriate behaviour, we will ensure it is dealt with in an appropriate manor. For example if a child was to demonstrate rude comments, their parents will be informed and their behaviour will be monitored. Similarly if a member of staff was to demonstrate inappropriate behaviour we would then follow our disciplinary procedure.
This policy was adopted by Llanddulas Playgroup January 2020.
Review date: January 2021
Policy reviewed: August 2021 (J Heap)